;Choose "Help" for help ; FWZIP Manager ; by Gary Reger ;VERSION 90-11-13 ; (c) copyright claimed ;reset ending and help locate variables that need to be zero at start FWZipMan.GV.fwzforceend:=0, fwzipman.gv.fwzhelploc:=0, fwzipman.gv.fwzhelpbail, ;clean desktop @echo(#off), @pk("{menu#dc}"), @setselection("fwzipman"), @pk("{ctrl-out}{return}{ctrl-out}"), @echo(#on), @FWZipMan.FWZMenu, @echo(#off), @if(@iserr(@isdocument("FWZdoc")), @beep(0,0), @delete("FWZDOC")), @echo(#on,2), @ERASEPROMPT, @echo(#on), @keyfilter({all}), @prompt(" FWZIP Manager off. Save FWZipMan.fw3, if you changed any settings.") FWZIP Man FWZipMan; FWZIP Manager version 1.00 BETA FWZipMan - FWZIP Manager version 1.00 --- By Gary N. Reger gv.fwzhelploc:=1, @menu(fwzMenu), @eraseprompt, @beep(1000,1) FWZMenu FWZipMan @SR.mc.FWZhm, @setselection("fwzipman") FW Zip Manager Report @SR.mc.FWZFUNC, @setselection("fwzipman") Zip Functions FWZipMan @SR.mc.FWZU, @setselection("fwzipman") Utlitites #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit SR; Program sub-routines 'z't' c; common #TRUE @echo(#off), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @pk("{menu#dc}"), @setselection("fwzipman"), @pk("{ctrl-out}{return}") fwzcleandesk @echo(#off), ;create window/name @pk("{menu#ce}Zip Manager Window{return}"), ;position/size window @pk("{F3}{ctrl-home}{return}"), @pk("{F4}{end}" &@rept("{dnarrow}",10) &"{return}"), @echo(#on,2) k("{F4}{ fwccreatewindow @echo(#off), @eraseprompt, @prompt(" Opening Disk Cabinet To Display Existing Zip files In Your Directory"), ; identify drive for files @pk("{ctrl-out}"), ;directory/drive info ;preserve old GV.fwzolddrive:=@setdrive, GV.fwzolddir:=@setdirectory, ;get/set new drive/path GV.fwzUFdrive:=@mid(gv.fwzufpath,1,2), @setdrive(GV.fwzUFdrive), @setdirectory(Gv.fwzufpath), @setselection(GV.fwzUFdrive), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), ; clear any filter /set zip filter @pk("{f2}{home}{f6}{end}{return}"), GV.fwzoldfilter:=@textselection, @pk("{del}*.zip{return}"), @memavail, ;position filtered disk @pk("{f3}{ctrl-home}{end}{return}"), @pk("{f4}{ctrl-end}{return}"), @beep(440,1), @eraseprompt, @echo(#on,2) fwzopenzipdir @eraseprompt, @prompt(" Re-setting disk cabinet."), @echo(#off), ;reset drive/directory @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @setdrive(GV.fwzolddrive), @setdirectory(GV.fwzolddir), @setselection("FWZipMan"), @pk("{scroll-lock}"), ;put back any cab filter @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @pk("{f2}{home}{f6}{end}{return}{del}" &GV.fwzoldfilter &"{return}{esc}{esc}"), @setselection("fwzipman"), @echo(#on), @echo(#off) fwzrestoredisk ;clean desktop @eraseprompt, @pk("{esc}{esc}"), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @prompt(" Cleaning up desktop"), @echo(#off), @pk("{menu#dc}"), ;rename window @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @setselection("Zip Manager Window"), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @pk("FW Zip Manager Report"), @pk("{return}"), @setselection("FW Zip Manager Report"), @pk("{ctrl-in}{ctrl-out}"), @setselection("FWZipMan"), @pk("{ctrl-in}{ctrl-out}"), @echo(#on,2), @beep(1000,1), @beep(2000,1), @eraseprompt, @prompt(" Zip function completed; Report on desktop.") eprompt, fwzrestoredesk mc; menu choices f'`'Z' @if(gv.fwzhelploc=0, gv.fwzhelploc:=2), @menu(fwzhm) fwzhm; Help sub-menu FW Zip Manager Report @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @SR.c.fwzcleandesk, @SR.c.fwccreatewindow, ;set run string for this choice @local(runn), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -h ", @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,#false), ; end help @nextkey(0), @memavail, @SR.c.fwzrestoredesk, @setselection("fwzipman") PKzip Help FWZdoc gv.fwzhelpcall:=1, @SR.mc.FWZH.FWZhlpcaller, gv.fwzhelpcall:=0, @setselection("fwzipman") FWZipManager Help #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit N'2','&' ' gv.fwzhelploc:=3, @menu(FWZFUNC), gv.fwzhelploc:=1 elploc:=3 FWZFUNC; Zip functions Sub-menu J'D'>'8' Utlitites #TBD! @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file to list. You may cursor point (If you do, LEAVE drive/path)",,#yes), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -v " &GV.fwzZIPFILE, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk, @quitmenu #TBD! @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file to list. You may cursor point ( *!* YOU MUST ENTER drive/path)",,#yes), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -vb " &GV.fwzZIPFILE, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk, @quitmenu Short #TBD! @SR.mc.FWZhm #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file name. You may cursor point ( *!* YOU MUST ENTER drive/path)",,#yes), ;get file names to add to Zip @local(zfiles), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), zfiles:=@inputline(" List files to add to Zip (list or use wildcard)",Gv.fwzufpath &"\"), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -a " &GV.fwzZIPFILE &" " &zfiles, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk ect end Create/Add @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file name. You may cursor point ( *!* YOU MUST ENTER drive/path)",,#yes), ;get file names to freshen in Zip @local(zfiles), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), zfiles:=@inputline(" List files to freshen in Zip (list or use wildcard)",Gv.fwzufpath &"\*.*"), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -f " &GV.fwzZIPFILE &" " &zfiles, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk ect end common Freshen @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline("Zip file from which to extract. You may cursor point (Drive/path is required)",,#yes), ;get file names to extract from Zip @local(zfiles), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), zfiles:=@inputline(" Files to extract from Zip (list or use wildcard), include destination path.","*.* " &gv.fwzufpath ), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkunzip.exe " &GV.fwzZIPFILE &" " &zfiles, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk common m Extract @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file name. You may cursor point ( *!* YOU MUST ENTER drive/path)",,#yes), ;get file names to delete from Zip @local(zfiles), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), zfiles:=@inputline(" List files to delete from Zip (list or use wildcard)"), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -d " &GV.fwzZIPFILE &" " &zfiles, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk ect end Delete @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwccreatewindow, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), ;GV.fwzZIPFILE:=@inputline(" Zip file name. You may cursor point ( *!* YOU MUST ENTER drive/path)",,#yes), ;get file names to act on @local(zfiles), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), ;zfiles:=@inputline(" Files to act on, if applicable (list or use wildcard); or {eturn}, if n/a",Gv.fwzufpath &"\"), ; get command @local(zcom), @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), zcom:=@inputline(" Zip *.exe file and command and filenames - Make sure paths are correct: ",gv.fwzuepath &"\pkzip.exe -"), ;set run string for this choice @local(runn,ROLLO), runn:=zcom, @if(GV.fwzUroll="Y",rollo:=#true,rollo:=#false), @run(Zip Manager Window,runn,rollo), ; select end common modes @c.fwzrestoredisk, @c.fwzrestoredesk Other Command #TBD! @SR.mc.FWZhm #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit gv.fwzhelploc:=4, @menu(FWZU), gv.fwzhelploc:=1 FWZU; Utilities Sub-Menu #TBD! @fwzsp Set Path @beep(880,1), @eraseprompt, GV.fwzUroll:=@inputline(" Roll-out To Dos (`Y' or `N') ?",GV.fwzUroll,,#yes) roll:=@i Roll-out? @eraseprompt, @echo(#off), ;begin selected initial common subroutines @c.fwzcleandesk, @c.fwzopenzipdir, ;return ;get selected zip file @eraseprompt, @beep(50,1), @local(key), @pk("{in}{home}"), @while(@key<>{esc}, @PROMPT(" Use Cursor/{KEYS} to Select/Copy-Move-Delete-Rename Zip files; {Esc} To end."), @set(KEY,@keyname(@nextkey)), @if(@key<>{esc},@pk(KEY))), @echo(#off), ; select end common modes @pk("{ctrl-out}"), ;GV.fwzUFdrive:=@setselection, @c.fwzrestoredisk, @pk("{menu#dc}"), @echo(#on) @c.fwzres Act On Zip File #TBD! @SR.mc.FWZhm #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit gv.fwzhelploc:=5, @menu(fwzsp) fwzsp; Set Path sub-menu SCLINS. @beep(880,1), @eraseprompt, GV.fwzUEpath:=@inputline(" *FULL* DOS path to find Zip.exe files ? (e.g C:\Zips)",GV.fwzUEpath,,#yes) * DOS path to f Exe files for PKZip @beep(880,1), @eraseprompt, Gv.fwzufpath:=@inputline(" *FULL* DOS path to find/extract files to be zipped/unzipped ? (e.g. C:\FW)",GV.fwzUFpath,,#yes) tract file Zipped Files @beep(880,1), @eraseprompt, Gv.fwzhelppath:=@inputline(" *FULL* DOS path to find FWZDOC.fw3 ? (e.g. C:\FW)",GV.fwzhelppath,,#yes) LL* DOS path to On-Line Help Files #TBD! @SR.mc.FWZhm #TBD! @setselection("fwzipman"), @quitmenu Quit FWZH; FWZipManager Help #TBD! @echo(#off), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @memavail, @if(@iserr(@isdocument("FWZdoc")), @pk("{menu#dg}" &gv.fwzhelppath &"\FWZdoc.fw3{RETURN}")), ;position help @setselection("FWZDOC"), @position("fwzdoc",8,6,68,23), ;open/close subframes depending on screensize @local(ss), ss:=@screeninfo(1), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @if(@frameview=6,@pk("{f10}")), @pk("{in}{home}{out}"), @pk("{menu#fo}"), @if(ss<34,@list( @pk("{in}{home}"), @pk("{dnarrow}{return}"), @pk("{dnarrow}{dnarrow}{return}"), @pk("{ctrl-out}"))), ;turn off search of labels @pk("{menu#ll}{del}{esc}"), @[FWZhlpprg], ;turn search of labels back on @pk("{menu#ll}{ctrl-return}{esc}"), @echo(#off), @setselection("FWZDOC"), ;open/close subframes depending on screensize @local(ss), ss:=@screeninfo(1), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @if(@frameview=6,@pk("{f10}")), @pk("{in}{home}{out}"), @pk("{menu#fo}"), @if(ss<34,@list( @pk("{in}{home}"), @pk("{dnarrow}{return}"), @pk("{dnarrow}{dnarrow}{return}"), @pk("{ctrl-out}"))), ;@delete("FWZDOC"), @beep(440,1), @beep(880,1), @beep(880,1), @echo(#on,2), @eraseprompt, @prompt( " Help search completed. Now returning to FWZIP Manager Menu."), @beep(0,150), @if(gv.fwzhelpcall=0,@FWZipMan,gv.fwzhelpcall=0), @quitmenu @if(gv.fwz FWZhlpcaller #FALSE @if(GV.fwzforceend=1,@return(0)), @echo(#off), @pk("{ctrl-out}"), @pk("{menu#fo}"), @pk("{esc}"), @echo(#on), ; set help search default depending on menu level from where help is called ; main menu level gv.fwzhelploc=1, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).","Menu Help") ; Help menu level gv.fwzhelploc=2, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).","Help Help") ; Zip Functions menu level gv.fwzhelploc=3, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).","Zip Functions Help") ; Utilities menu level gv.fwzhelploc=4, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).","Utilities Help") ; Set Path menu level gv.fwzhelploc=5, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).","Set Path Help") ; Any other situation gv.fwzhelploc=0, GV.FWZst:=@inputline(" Enter term to search for (Enter `Help Help' for help on using this Help).") @echo(#off), @local(key), ;turn formula on in search menu @pk("{esc}{esc}"), @pk("{menu#LF}{ctrl-return}{esc}"), ; clear search/replace @pk("{esc}{esc}"), @pk("{menu#LS}{esc}{del}{esc}{esc}"), @pk("{menu#LR}{esc}{del}{esc}{esc}{esc}"), ;re-set search num counter GV.FWZsrnum:=0, ;re-set search place last find variables GV.fwzhelplframe:=@setselection, GV.fwzhelplline:=@panel2, GV.fwzhelplchar:=@panel1, @isabend(#false), @nextkey(0), @local(endx,srloop), endx:=0, gv.fwzhelpbail:=0, @while(@and(endx<>1,gv.fwzhelpbail=0), @echo(#off), @SETSELECTION("FWZdoc"), @pk("{f9}{ctrl-out}{ctrl-out}"), @ERASEPROMPT, @echo(#off), srloop:=0, @while(srloop=0, @isabend(#false), @if(srloop=0,@pk("{menu#LS}" &GV.FWZst &"{return}")), @if(@isabend=#true,@pk("{esc}")), @if(@isabend=#true,@list(srloop:=1,@fwzh.fwzhlpnot),srloop:=1), @if(srloop=1,@if(GV.FWZsrnum>0,@pk(@rept("{dnarrow}",GV.FWZsrnum))))), GV.FWZsrnum:=GV.FWZsrnum+1, ; @if(@frameview=5,@pk("{ctrl-in}{f9}")), @pk("{leftarrow}{f9}{f6}{ctrl-rightarrow}{return}"), @echo(#on,2), @echo(#off), @echo(#on,2), @beep(1000,1), @beep(1000,1), @beep(1000,1), @if( @and(@setselection=GV.fwzhelplframe, @panel2=GV.fwzhelplline, @panel1=GV.fwzhelplchar), endx:=1), GV.fwzhelplframe:=@setselection, GV.fwzhelplline:=@panel2, GV.fwzhelplchar:=@panel1, @if(@key={esc},endx:=1), @beep(0,100), @while(@and(gv.fwzhelpbail=0,@key<>{Ctrl-0}), @ERASEPROMPT, @PROMPT(" Read-Scroll-Navigate as usual /// {Ctrl-0} for next ; {Esc}{Ctrl-0} to end."), @set(KEY,@keyname(@nextkey)), @if(@key<>{CTRL-0},@pk(KEY)), @if(@key={Esc},endx:=1), @isabend(#false))) (KEY)), FWZhlpprg @echo(#off), ;@pk("{esc}{esc}"), ;@pk("{ctrl-out}"), @echo(#on,2), @eraseprompt, @beep, @beep, @inputline(" Search term not found, try again; Press {return} to continue."), gv.fwzhelpbail:=1 fwzhlpnot GV; Global Variables fwzhelppath ",{BA fwzUEpath fwzUFpath fwzUEdrive fwzUFdrive \zips\ fwzUEdir \zips fwzUFdir fwzUroll fwzolddrive fwzolddir fwz*.* fwzoldfilter C:\FW\DOC.ZIP \FWZM fwzZIPFILE Set Path Help fwzst FWZsrnum fwzhelploc fwzhelpcall FWZdoc.Operating Instructions.Menu Choices.[Utilities Menu -> Special FWZIP Manager functions] fwzhelplframe fwzhelpbail fwzhelplline fwzhelplchar fwzforceend